This is a one-on-one session. These counselling sessions will help you reduce internal distress, enhance relationships, and improve your overall performance in life.

Therapy is used by people for a variety of reasons, despite the widespread belief that it is only for those who have been given a mental health diagnosis.

individual counselling

 Why should YOU opt for it?

  • To talk about their life and their emotional highs and lows

  • To resolve disputes – internal and external

  • Overcoming trauma

  • To enhance intercultural competence

  • To get assistance during a trying circumstance, such as the death of a loved one

  • Having a secure environment where you can speak with someone who is not a part of their daily lives. 

Therapists can be an incredible tool to help you become emotionally stronger and acquire coping mechanisms if you are struggling with an experience, feelings, or a mental health condition—or if you just want someone to talk to about anything on your mind.