Pregnancy and Pilates: Amazing Prenatal Exercise

When I get a call from a pregnant lady and wants to do some prenatal exercises with me, they ask me for Prenatal Yoga and I suggest that we can do a combination of prenatal yoga and Pilates. The next question comes, What is Pilates and How will it help me in pregnancy? Is it safe? Have you done it before for any pregnant ladies? And on and on... So all you my lovely people over there, Please read it carefully and understand that Pilates could be your new exercise friend forever. 

I understand you have not heard of it much and your friends or you might have done prenatal yoga before for relaxing your mind and body during pregnancy but then some say its boring too and they fall to sleep easily while doing it. So I suggest pilates because it has movement and it increases the interest of a person in the class. It keeps your mind and body connection alive.  

Yoga and Pilates offer similar benefits but Pilates is more about the core muscle strengthening which can reduce the complaints of backache during pregnancy and after giving birth. Abdominal muscles are strengthen, hence reduces the chances of flab around your belly later on. Pilates offer a customized prenatal exercises to meet individuals needs. 

The exercises are focused on the abdominals, back and pelvic floor muscles, which are very important when it comes to childbirth. Pregnancy Pilates focuses on balance, strength and coordination. It works on keeping the muscles throughout the body - upper body, lower body and abdominal area - strong, toned and connected to the core so as to reduce pregnancy aches and pains and help speed up postnatal recovery.

I offer combo of pilates and yoga to my clients as I find both of them very beneficial. But its completely upto to an individual what kind of fitness regime is she looking forward to or prefer. Since we work here more around the core muscles and alignment correction, clients who have been yoga lovers all their life prefer pilates instead of yoga later on as they feel yoga is good for stretching and flexibility but Pilates provide them strength and support in that very different period of their life and they are glad to have found pregnancy pilates in their city. 

Why not yoga and pilates together and why choose. Lets have both and lets enjoy these customized sessions at Enso Wellness studio.